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  • sjizzini

Thinking Toolkit: Recipe for Creativity

Updated: Feb 2, 2020

As an educator, I always used to insert creativity in a row within the criteria of my rubrics. At the time students and I would have their own definitions of what it means to be a creative thinker. Some would believe that they are not creative individuals and therefore would not try. Learning and applying the different thinking tools has taught me that there is no right or wrong and that everyone has to ability to be creative. It is our job to nurture this form of productive and divergent thinking within students and/or within your professional contexts.

I would define creativity as the creation of new things when internal imagination and external experience collide to foster curious exploration, playful experimentation, and systematic investigation.

In the below recipe for creativity, I present a part of what I have learned about fostering creativity in the classroom and beyond. Click on the green icons to experience my journey.

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